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Welcome to the griegarious guitar page!

This page is primarily devoted to the music of Phil Keaggy. Phil is a truly gifted guitarist who's music is diverse and beautiful. His tone, use of altered tunings, percussive techniques, and strong yet subtle musical sense are the things that attract me to his music. It's the kind of music I can listen to and not get to the bottom of. There is always some nuance that I hadn't noticed before.

The quality of Phil's instrumental music, more than any other artist, has prompted me to attempt to play what I can of it. While I will never begin to approach Phil as a guitarist, there is much pleasure in simply being able to play some of the chords from his songs. One result of this learning process has been the tab that you'll find on these pages. I hope you get some enjoyment from it.

Please sign my guestbook with any comments or reactions you have to my site. You can also contact me privately.

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Phil Keaggy

Griegarious Guitarist

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What's New?

10/26/01 - Tab for Jim Earp's "Catherine" uploaded.

7/14/01 - Tab for Shades of Green and Memory uploaded.

7/7/01 - Web page published.